Alignment Connects You to Your Purpose

Let’s talk alignment. What alignment is, why it’s important and how to get it.

So, to start with what exactly is Alignment and why should you care? For the month of January I’m addressing all things “Intentionality” which is my word of the year. And, intentionality and alignment go together like peanut butter and marshmallows, or pickles, or jelly if you’re into that sort of thing.

Why is it key?

An alternate heading for this section is: Why being out of alignment sucks and I hope you avoid it at all costs LOL.

Do you ever have times where you get a clear cosmic correction? I sure do.

For me it happened just before the New Year. You see, I moved my business online with almost no prior online presence. To say it was a steep learning curve (still is) would be an understatement.

So, like any good high achiever I jumped in with both feet. I researched, I took courses and got coached. As I consumed all of the ‘expert’ information I simply started throwing spaghetti at the wall. You know… Something’s got to stick right?

But, in reality I became overwhelmed. Disconnected from my purpose. I tried to be ALL. THE. PLACES. And do, ALL THE THINGS.

I felt so anxious. I was emotionally exhausted and had much less energy for everyone around me.

The irony??? I coach INCREDIBLE powerhouse women through this exact same trap.

And yet, it was time for me to level-up.

So, enter my divine reminder. I remember sitting down to journal and listen deeply. And, very clearly the words came into my spirit: FOCUS. Build your life in ALIGNMENT. It must be from your core values, purpose and calling, and for SERVICE of others.

Simple? yes. But SOOO easy to forget and get off track.

How to create alignment for yourself (3 Journal Prompts):

What I’ve found helpful is to spend time in quiet reflection. Pull out your journal and be ready to listen as you ask yourself:

  1. Is how I’m spending my time today moving me closer toward what I long for? Or, is it pushing me farther away?
    • What is one simple change I could make in how I spend time that would move me forward?
  2. What 3 MAIN VALUES guide my life?
    • ex. Family & Friends, Generosity, Constant Learning
  3. Does my life currently display them with integrity???
    • If not, what could I shift in my life that would make that a reality?

I’d love to know if this helps you make adjustments in your life so you can experience the power, joy and freedom of an aligned life 💕🥰

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