Vocation Venture. Calling Quest. Mission Chase. Many names, one meaning: our Pursuit of Purpose. At some point on this Life-Purpose Journey we ask ourselves the daunting question, “What on earth am I here for?” This becomes particularly pertinent when we are trying to blend our faith with our entrepreneurial spirit. Even business leaders, such as […]

A woman pondering on her purpose in life at sunset

As a woman of faith, you know that you were created for a purpose. You have unique gifts, talents, and experiences that are meant to be shared with the world. But sometimes, it can be easy to settle for a life that feels safe and comfortable, rather than stepping into the fullness of who you […]

Do you feel like somehow your J-O-B became just a way to make money? Do you wake up each morning dreading the commute and counting down the hours until you can leave? If so, it’s time to break free from the mindset of ‘just having a job’ and create an impact-driven movement that can change […]

So you are interested in starting your own successful online business?! Congratulations- that is exciting! With so much information in the online space it is easy to become distracted. And to waste your time and money on things that don’t matter (I learned that lesson the hard way) If I were to start my business […]

Finding your purpose is more than just discovering a secret map to some hidden treasure. It’s about uncovering the unique path God has designed for you. It’s for you, the high-achiever who’s scaled mountains and conquered goals, yet feels like something deeper is missing. That’s where the joy of reconnecting with your divine calling comes […]

Let’s talk alignment. What alignment is, why it’s important and how to get it. So, to start with what exactly is Alignment and why should you care? For the month of January I’m addressing all things “Intentionality” which is my word of the year. And, intentionality and alignment go together like peanut butter and marshmallows, […]

Do you feel that desire deep down in your soul? You know the one, it’s always been there…you know there is something inside of you called to change the world. Well this is part of my story and it proves that you can do it too. No matter what obstacles are in your way. Simply […]

Are you looking to create a space where you are able to connect with others deeply and serve them? Then it’s time to build or find your tribe. While it’s incredibly simple, that doesn’t mean that it’s easy. Unfortunately, it’s easy to show up online as someone you aren’t: to perform or become who you […]

When you live according to your Unique Divine Purpose & Expression you experience a deep sense of alignment. A true connection to your soul. Have you felt lost and a bit stuck in your current reality? You know there is an invitation for MORE extended to you. Greater purpose, passion and more fulfillment. But accessing […]

Father and Daughter

Are you feeling stuck in your business or personal life? Do you find yourself struggling to come up with new ideas or solutions? It’s time to reactivate your genius, and your inner child! That’s right, you have a genius inside of you waiting to be unleashed. According to NASA research as a child, you were […]